Too bad this wasnt ready for Sunday. Oh well, its something we should be celebrating 365 days of the year. HE IS RISEN!
Today is the last day Im working on the book, and we're expecting it to be back from printing sometime in may.. Very excited for this. its 95 illustrations!
Alright, so I stopped updating for alittle while. Doesn't mean I've stopped drawing... well maybe a little bit. I was filming for a week while some clients were down at work so that slowed things down a bit.
Well to give you an update of where Im at in the book, Im roughly 10 drawings done to completion.
Heres some of today's drawings. Paul and sirus are about escape from jail!
the last few days of work have been interesting. I have improved enough since i started this project that I 've been going back to the earlier drawings to fix them. I find its a little tedious but somewhat satisfying to compare the before with after...